In this video we discuss the following question: Is the Way You Do One Thing The Way You Do Everything? I apply this question to my life story and I determine whether or not how I do one thing is how I do everything. I talk about how to build consistency and we take a look at that. I discuss addictive passion and perseverance, perfectionism and never feeling like I’m good enough, consistency and persistence. I show you examples of the benefits of consistency, how it requires hard work and how consistency has become a key habit for my successful life. I also cover resiliency, overcoming perfectionism and discuss if that’s even possible. I discuss some life themes that have come up for me in the past at my office jobs and past passions I’ve had, and I also discuss the current themes that are present in my life as a YouTube channel content creator, business owner and entrepreneur.
Bonus: You get to see some of the plants I grow in part of the video. I hope you enjoy the plant footage!
Peace and love,
Sara Dalton Coaching
#consistencywins #consistencypaysoff #consistencyisthekey #consistencyoverperfection #consistency #passionpassort #perfectionismrecovery #perfectionismyenemy #perfectionismproblems #yourbestself #perfectionism #resiliencyandme #resiliencylookslike #resiliencyiskey #professionalgrowth #vulnerabilityisstrength #saradaltoncoaching #howyoudoonethingishowyoudoeverything #ishowyoudoonethingthewayyoudoeverything #addictivepassion